Valentines Day 2K14

February 13, 2014

Couples who sweat together, stay together. Kind of cheesy I know, but its true. Nothing brings you closer than getting through a grueling class, going on a nice run, or just spending time together on a leisurely walk. Whatever it is that works for you, get out and do it...together. "But he can't keep up" you might say (not that I have EVER thought that myself) but sometimes its not about whether you could have run faster or gone for longer. Bonding with your S.O (a term that I just learned the other day, Significant Other) over fitness and health is such a special thing, and whether it's making you get out of bed in the morning for a 6am class, or providing the moral support you need to say "no" to the french fries .. Sharing that passion for health and fitness with the person you love most is really just fun. Especially because it opens up a ton of options when it comes to mixing up the average dinner and a movie date night. 
So, in honor of this holiday and in the interest of saying goodbye to the inevitable stir craziness that has most definitely set in by now, here are a few unconventional dates that will not only give you some Q.T. with your S.O but will also get you moving towards your fitness goals... together. 
1) Bundle up and go for a winter wonderland adventure. Yes its a bit cold and maybe a little wet, but once you get past that part of it, walking down the middle of snow covered streets of a usually hustling and bustling city is one of the most fun and romantic things. If you can make it, try to get down to the Schuykill Banks trail. We made it down there today (with our faithful hound) and had the best time. 
2) Take a Flywheel class. Nothing like a little "friendly" competition to start off your date night. Not sure about you but nothing makes me happier than beating my handsome fiancĂ© (in just about anything). Depending on your confidence level, take this opportunity to make a little wager on your results. Winner buys the first round, makes breakfast in bed, I don't know... you can figure this one out for yourself ;) 
3) Steam things up at Philly Power Yoga. Saturday morning with Steve Gold is my favorite class at Philly Power Yoga and a great way to cleanse yourself of any toxins which I hope you will be consuming tomorrow night. Take an extra shirt/change of clothes and go straight to a fun brunch afterwards. Why end the date night festivities on Friday?! 
ALSO... The best part about all of these ideas?? You don't actually need a Valentine for any of them! Go solo or grab some friends and the experience will be equally as fun and equally as impactful to your fitness goals. 
Happy Valentines Day!!
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