Lifelong athletes, there isn't much out there that we haven't tried and/or competed in. Division I athletes for four years of college, with multiple National Championships and Final Four appearances between the two of us, we have lived our lives committed to sports, health, competition, and fitness. Training at the highest level of junior and college sports, we know the importance of physical health and we are also well practiced in balancing work, life, and sport. Once we were forced to enter the "real world" (post-college) where three hours of exercise wasn't inherently built into our daily schedule, we immediately set out to fill this fitness void. It wasn't easy! Trying to manage full days of work, with a normal social life, AND still squeeze in time for exercise became a daily challenge. While our hours logged may not compare to what they were back in the day, we are constantly striving to satisfy that exercise quota every day. We have accepted ourselves for who we are; fitness freaks who actually love nothing more than walking out of a class so drenched that it looks like we just got out of the shower. We enjoy spending hours researching/going to new studios, methods, classes etc. and we decided that we should use this knowledge to help others asking the same questions that we do everyday; How to get the best and most efficient workout, for the best value, in the amount of time that I have to spend, at a location that is convenient for me. 

All of that being said, you might imagine us spending Friday nights in yoga class or busting it in a spin class... That image is wrong. The discipline only goes so far and Friday nights are most often spent socializing with friends, out at a new restaurant, or enjoying a nice cold drink at our favorite bar. Balance is key and our hope in creating fitME is to allow you to spend more time doing the fun stuff. Spend more time enjoying your fitness regimen and less time managing it. Welcome to fitME!!!


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