January 22, 2014

SNOW DAY!!!!! The universally anticipated, appreciated and celebrated occasion that immediately invokes memories of sledding, hot chocolate and pure happiness. What could be better?! The holiday almost requires comfort food, warm drinks, fireplaces, good books / movies, fun with friends, and if you’re anything like me… definitely a bottle (or two) of yummy red wine. By nature, these days generally get a healthy living “pass” since… It’s a snow day!! I get it and totally agree. However, what could be better than posting up on the couch, at the table, or in the bar, knowing it’s a snow day and you STILL did something to positively contribute to your fitness regimen.

No Gym Required. Let’s be honest, if the gym is more than 20 ft from your front door today, it will take a lot of discipline to get you there. No worries. Just do SOMETHING. Here are some thoughts.

Be Creative. Ok so maybe you don’t get in your scheduled 5 mile run today. There's a foot of snow on the ground… It’s ok! Improvise and remember that just moving in some capacity provides a benefit to your body. Roll out a yoga mat or towel, push your couch out of the way and you’ve created your own mini studio.

35 Minute Living Room Workout:

- 10 Minutes: Stretch. Wake up your muscles slowly. Listen to your body and give everything time to warm up. Your muscles know its a snow day too!

- 15 Minutes: Cardio Intervals. 1 minute on, 30 seconds off (then repeat the circuit)
1) Walking Plank: Get yourself into push up position. Slow and controlled, lift your right hand and left leg, keeping both straight and tight. Release and switch to the other side. Continue to alternate and remember to keep that core tight!

2) Standing Mountain Climbers. No time for vanity when there’s a workout to be done. Although I am yet to see a graceful looking standing mountain climber (feel free to prove me wrong), this one is a killer. Standing tall, reach up with your right hand while lifting your left knee in towards your chest, as if you are climbing an imaginary ladder. Alternate and pick up the pace, this one is for speed.

3) Side Lunge with Leg Lift. Start with your feet together, step out into a wide stance bending your right leg. Get that butt down and touch your foot with both hands while simultaneously lifting your left toes off of the ground. Come back to center and do the same over to the left side (lifting right toes). Try to keep a steady pace.

4) Burpees. Start in a standing position. Lean forward putting both hands on the ground, step or jump both feet back so you are in a push-up position. (Optional— Add a push-up here). Jump both feet back up to your hands and stand back up. Continue this way and pick up the pace!!

5) Tricep Dips. Find a chair, couch, or any hard and stable surface. Sit on the edge and place your hands, facing forwards on either side of your butt. Walk your legs out so that your knees are at a 90 degree angle over your ankles and slide your butt forward off of the seat. Lower yourself down so that your elbows are now at a 90 degree angle and push up. Dip away and feel the burn in those triceps.

- 10 Minutes: Cool Down Stretch

The Non "Workout" Workouts

Shoveling. Necessary AND a great workout! Not only will you get some major brownie points but you’ll burn some major calories as well. Spend an hour shoveling your driveway / sidewalk / walkway and you will feel even more deserving of that indulgent lunch (which we all know is a must on a snowy day).

Sledding. You know you want to go. Let your inner kid shine and grab the sleds, hit the hills, and work for that hot toddy that you’ve been thinking about ever since you heard there was a snow storm brewing. You’ll have so much fun on the ride down that you won’t even realize you are actually doing wind sprints to get back to the top of the hill… over and over again. (Looking for a hill in the city — try to Art Museum steps!!)
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